Thoughts From My Rooftop: Why didn't I listen when I was younger?

                  I remember everyone telling me your to big and you should start to lose weight now because the older you get the harder it is.  i didn't listen.  Then I did. I tried Slim Fast for awhile it worked but you know it got boring or something and I stopped and the few pounds I lost came back with company.  Then I tired Weight Watchers and again I lost some but counting points and the weekly cost got old and again i quit and those pounds came back with company.  And I tried a few other things a time or too or twenty and some injury would put me down because I pushed to hard or just was plan out of shape.  Then came the female issues that heavy periods, and constant cramping and just plain pain.  There was always something standing in my way.  

                    But what I finally had to own was the only thing standing in my way was me.  I was the on coming up with excuses. I was the open stopping.  I was the one shoveling in the candy's and cookies and juices.  It was me.  Everyday was a cheat day.  I was always going to start tomorrow.  Now here I am.  I have had a hysterectomy, there is no pain and I'm simply out of excuses so it's simple really get busy!  I have started and I just hit six weeks and waiting for a full release from my Doctor. This time I'm ready.  I will push when needed, I will listen to body and most importantly I will leave the junk alone because I know that there will be times when I can't workout the way I want but I can control what I put in my mouth.  I know their aren't any magic pills, I also know that some people need to seek a Doctors help and I will definitely be adding that to the list but most importantly for me, I will do this. 

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