Best Friend Day

Best Friend Day

Date When Celebrated : Always June 8
Best Friend Day (BFF Day) is a time to enjoy and appreciate your best friend. It's a day to honor and cherish the relationship.
If you're lucky, you have a best friend. If you are real lucky, you have a number of best friends. Best friends are very, very special people. You spend countless hours with your best friend going to events and activities, or just hanging out. You share secrets, hopes, dreams, aspirations, and disappointments with your best friend.
Some folks say you can only have one best friend. This author disagrees. You can have a couple at the same time, or several over time. Friends come and go for a variety of reasons, even BFFs are sometimes not forever. It's the result of many things, including moving, changing schools or jobs, and more. We hope that you are lucky enough to have a number of best friends over the years.
Celebrate Best Friend Day by:
  • Spending time with your best friend
  • Making efforts to find a best friend(if you don't currently have one)
  • Giving a small gift or card to your best friend
  • Calling an old best friend that you've lost touch with

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