Thoughts From My Rooftop: That Couple

            I don't see hundreds of couples from my perch here on the roof but I see a fair amount.  I get to look at their body language and imagine what it is they are saying to each other even if I can't hear one word.  I can tell by the close of a door or the hand on a back even when they fight they are still in love or I could stop people watching and look inside my own life.  
           I can tell you that I used to watch those couples and wonder if all the touching and laughing was fake and forced until it happened to me.  Until my husband and I became that couple.  I wouldn't even call us that couple it was a title some of our friends gave to us but what I noticed is that the way we are, is the way we are all the time.  If we are mad or more to the point I am mad he's still there opening doors, holding my hand, touching me.  If we are just fine he is still the same never wavering in his devotion for me.
           It's simple things really that have added up to the whole thing.  They way I'm passing by him and he will reach out and let his hand brush mine. They way I'm the only thing he sees when he walks in a room after a long day away. The way he sends me a message every few hours and even when he just left how we pick up the phone because we find ourselves missing each other in a matter of minutes.  
            There isn't a person around that would doubt that WE are an us with our without the rings and at the end of the day does anyone else really matter anyway,  Because in the end its still going to just be he and I living this life and isn't that what counts.   So who really decides what 'that couple' is? Everyone some where is a part of that couple in some way.  Stop looking around wishing for what you don't have and start enjoying what's yours to enjoy! 

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