National Coffee Day

National Coffee Day, also known as Coffee Day or International Coffee Day, is a holiday that celebrates this hot beverage and the joy it brings to people all over the world. On this day, people not only take the time to enjoy their favorite brand of coffee, but also many different types of businesses offer discounted or free cups of coffee to their customers. It is celebrated on September 29th all over the world. 

      While not much is known about the origin of this holiday, the history of coffee is a lot easier to determine. According to legend, it was discovered on the Ethiopian highlands by a goat herder who discovered the the fruit of the coffee plant had a stimulating effect on his goats. So he decided to experiment with them a little bit and viola-coffee was born! He shared his findings with the local monastery and before long, everyone was making a drink from the coffee plant. Coffee quickly spread across the Arabian Peninsula and by the sixteenth century was prevalent in all parts of Persia, Turkey and Syria. It eventually traveled to Europe by the seventeenth century and to the New World by the end of the seventeenth century. Customs, Traditions And Celebrations The best way to celebrate National Coffee Day is to enjoy your favorite cup of Joe. Which is easy to do on this holiday because many different business often pass our coupons for free or reduced cups of coffee on this day. So choose your favorite brew and enjoy this popular beverage.

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