Thoughts From My Rooftop: Just Randomness

           Sometimes I feel like I have all the time in the world to do whatever I want and then others I feel like time is running out and I should get busy, double up, save and plan.  Then I wonder if this is what my mind is like at 40 something years old what must my kids in their 20's be thinking.  I'm supposed to have it all figured out by now right.  I'm at least suppose to know the direction I want to go and I don't. I'm still lost feeling like a ship in a huge ocean just hoping that the next wave doesn't pull me under.
          I have so many ideas and plans and dreams and I go out and see someone doing exactly what I know I can do and the only person I have to blame for me not doing it is me.  I'm stopping my own growth, my own potential.  Maybe now that I have said it. Wrote it down and acknowledge it I can move on from here.  I'll keep you posted. 

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