Different Colored Eyes Day

Different Colored Eyes Day

Date When Celebrated : July 12

Different Colored Eyes Day has two reasons to celebrate.  First of all, it celebrates diversity of eye color. Wouldn't the world be boring, if everyone had the same color of eyes?
Secondly, it recognizes an eye condition called Heterochromia. People who have this trait,  have two different colors of eyes. One eye may be brown, while the other is blue.  Famous people who have Heterochromia include David Bowie, Jane Seymour, and Christopher Walken.
Your eyes are an important part of your appearance. They are also important in communications. When you look into your lover's eyes, you need to like what you see. Making "eye contact" just wouldn't be the same without different colored eye. Isn't it great that we have a variety of eye colors to set us apart from one another?
Eye colors include:
  • Shades of brown
  • Shades of blue
  • Shades of green
  • Black
  • Grey
  • Hazel

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