Conversations with My Son: I'm Staying

       After my son's graduation we moved to California.  Since we needed to go thru Texas to clean out a storage I thought it would be nice of me to ask my son if he wanted to spend a few weeks with his best friend.  You know I thought why not he's earned it and let's just call it a summer of freedom. It all sounded really good and alright until I got that phone call.

Son: Mama?

Me: Yes.

Son: I'm not coming.

Me: .....wait, What?

Son: I want to stay here for a year and wait for my girl to finish school.

Me:   (in my head I'm screaming and hollering HELL NO! out loud I just hold the phone)...well what about school?

Son: I'm going to enroll at the JC.

Me: (OMG!) 

        I wanted to say so many things and I did to everyone but him.  Because somewhere it hit me that he had to be the one to make this decision and my feelings had no place. He was ready to be act like and grown up and as Mister told me I couldn't take that away from him. And in case you’re wondering YESSSSS! it Sucked bad!!!

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