Be An Angel Day

August 22 is Be An Angel Day. Established in 1993 by Jaune Howard Feldman, the day encourages people to be angels to those in need.
In many religions, angels are supernatural spirits that are thought to be responsible for protecting humans.
The day reminds us that even though we can't be actual angels, we can emulate the kindness they are known for. Being kind and good to our fellow human beings is not hard - all we need to do is to stop thinking about ourselves for a while (or a day) and to think about how we can make the world a nicer and kinder place.

How to Celebrate?

  • Be kind to others. Do something to help a stranger.
  • Do random acts of kindness without any expectations of reciprocation. For example, give up your seat in the bus or train to someone else, pay for the coffee the person behind you may buy at the coffee shop or leave small gift in your neighbour's mailbox.
  • Volunteer your time and money to a charitable organization.
  • Do something that will bring a smile on the face of people.
  • If you know of someone who is going through a difficult time, give them your support and let them know that you are there for them. Help them out in their difficult times.
  • If someone is being an angel to you, thank them and let them know that their kindness is being appreciated.

Did You Know…

…that Angelology is the theological study of angels?

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