The Holidays

           It's amazing to me that before the holidays we can't wait to get to our familes. We plan, we pack we clean, we do what ever it takes. We call each other a million times before we leave to make sure that we have everything and that they know we are coming and what time we hope to get there.
           We pass all speed limits, hoping that we don't aleart the cops but a small part of us doesn't care anyway cause you know it just makes for good bragging rights for who made it there in fastest time. But finally we are there back home again.
            At first we laugh we talk we catch up It's cool I mean why did we leave again we find outselves asking then we fall into bed after a long day. Were exhausted and looking forward to the next day. The next days it all starts all over again in then you get to that fool you know the one that always has something to say that no matter what you can't please him or her and you aren't shit and you think that your better than everyone else just because you moved away. BUT your happy to be home so you let all of his smart remarks go and you go on your way then the next day this same mother fucker comes with the same shit and you find yourself wondering why am I here again.

            Then you reach that point when you start packing your stuff and you wonder why the hell you decided to spend such a long trip you should have just came for that holiday and turned around but No you had to spend time, you wanted to relax, to enjoy yourself. Now all you can think is I can't wait to get back on the road, damn the traffic, the screaming kids or that fact that your husband is a terrible driver all you know is that anything is better than staying another hour, you feel like if you don't leave and now you are going to catch a case, a murder case cause this fool is working every nerve you have and then some you didn't know you had, you can't breath. You hit the road and then you finally get what you where hoping to get the whole time you where visiting..........peace
©CC 2010

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