National Daiquiri Day

National Daiquiri Day

Date When Celebrated : July 19 th
It's the middle of the Dog Days of Summer. The weather is hot and sultry.  It's time for a cold and refreshing drink. Enjoying a daiquiri on National Daiquiri Day is the perfect solution, to ease the effects of the heat and humidity. 
The original Daiquiri consists of rum, lime juice and sugar, with plenty of ice added to the glass. The Daiquiri was first created in 1898 by Jennings Stockton Cox, an American mining engineer. The Daiquiri was named after the local mining village of Daiquiri, Cuba, at the Venus bar. Needless to say, the local miners loved the sweet summer cooler, and it's popularity quickly spread. As its popularity grew, so did the number of varieties. The original lime based recipe remains the most popular, along with strawberry. The number of different Daiquiri flavors is only limited by the number of berries and other fruit.
In the 1940's Ernest Hemming way conceived the frozen Daiquiri at El Floridita in Havana, Cuba, when he had bartender Constantino Ribalaigua run the drink filled with ice through a blender.
Lift your daiquiri glass in celebration of National Daiquiri Day!

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