Chaos Never Dies Day

Chaos Never Dies Day

Date When Celebrated: Always November 9
Chaos Never Dies Day recognizes the turmoil in modern, everyday life. Are things a little crazy at home? Is school a little on the wild side? Is your workplace hectic and disorderly? We thought so. 
Just when things seem to calm down at work and home, along comes something to disrupt your life. Yes, disorder is everywhere. Hectic schedules, changes to plans, unexpected tasks and chores, the list goes on and on and on.......
Today is designed for you. It's a day to recognize the chaos in your life. You can best celebrate this day, by recognizing that chaos never dies. Rather, its a way of life. You can partake in this special day, by putting just a little order back into your life. You can start, by picking one thing that is really disrupting your life, and change it...for the good.
On the bright side: If you think your life is chaotic today, just wait until the holiday season arrives.

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