
Showing posts from July, 2018

Cousin's Day

Cousin's Day Date When Celebrated :  July 24   Cousin's Day  honors your Aunt and Uncle's kids. They are those great kids who are likely close to your age, and endure the countless family get togethers with you. If it wasn't for cousins, these family events would be much, much longer. This is a great day for your cousins. Now, hold on a minute. If you have cousins, that means your cousins have cousins. And, that's you! Therefore, today is your day,too. Celebrating should be nothing but fun. Get together with your cousins. Hang out, just chill, or do anything you want to do...... as long as its a fun time spent with your cousins.  Feel Free to comment and share with your friends! Feel Free to follow me @ Please follow me on Twitter Facebook and don't forget to follow here on for all my latest posts! Converstions With My Family Now on Amazon!

Thoughts From My Rooftop: Just Randomness

           Sometimes I feel like I have all the time in the world to do whatever I want and then others I feel like time is running out and I should get busy, double up, save and plan.  Then I wonder if this is what my mind is like at 40 something years old what must my kids in their 20's be thinking.  I'm supposed to have it all figured out by now right.  I'm at least suppose to know the direction I want to go and I don't. I'm still lost feeling like a ship in a huge ocean just hoping that the next wave doesn't pull me under.           I have so many ideas and plans and dreams and I go out and see someone doing exactly what I know I can do and the only person I have to blame for me not doing it is me.  I'm stopping my own growth, my own potential.  Maybe now that I have said it. Wrote it down and acknowledge it I can move on from here.  I'll keep you posted.  Feel Free to comment and sha...

Elice's Adventures: Brookstone

     I don't know if you have ever been to a Brookstone Store in the mall but if you haven't you need to add it to your list fast.  I mean right now look it up and go.  Most of us only remember the store because it was mentioned on the movie 'Brown Sugar'.         Yesterday I went into one and sat in the massage chair and baby let me tell you I died and went to heaven!!  You completely sink into this chair from your head to your toes and then the chair scans your body and does it thing. And boy did it do it.  I felt like I was having a religious experience and the best 'O' of my life all in one (or pretty damn close😉).  I had a headache and my back had started to hurt from walking around all day and when it was over I felt no pain! It was heaven!     Let me add even though it was only a drive to the mall since the experience was so great I felt it would be a great Adventure and it was Free! Feel Free to ...

National Daiquiri Day

National Daiquiri Day Date When Celebrated :  July 19 th It's the middle of the  Dog Days of Summer . The weather is hot and sultry.  It's time for a cold and refreshing drink. Enjoying a daiquiri on National Daiquiri Day is the perfect solution, to ease the effects of the heat and humidity.  The original Daiquiri consists of rum, lime juice and sugar, with plenty of ice added to the glass. The Daiquiri was first created in 1898 by Jennings Stockton Cox, an American mining engineer. The Daiquiri was named after the local mining village of Daiquiri, Cuba, at the Venus bar. Needless to say, the local miners loved the sweet summer cooler, and it's popularity quickly spread. As its popularity grew, so did the number of varieties. The original lime based recipe remains the most popular, along with strawberry. The number of different Daiquiri flavors is only limited by the number of berries and other fruit. In the 1940's Ernest Hemming way conceived the frozen Dai...

National Ice Cream Day

National Ice Cream Day Date When Celebrated : National Ice Cream Day - 3 rd Sunday in July Ice Cream Day - December 13 When you get the urge for a snack on a hot, humid summer night, what's the first thing that comes to your mind? That's right....Ice Cream! Therefore, it's only fitting that ice cream be given it's own special day. On this day, we hope you enjoy an ice cream cone, a sundae, or a milk shake. Set the diet aside and splurge a little...have one of each! In 1984, President Ronald Reagan proclaimed July as National Ice Cream Month. He also established National Ice Cream Day as the third Sunday in the month. Ice cream is nutritious. A little heavy on the sugar and calories, ice cream is otherwise good for you. Its base ingredient is milk, which is loaded with healthy vitamins and minerals. Did you know?  Charles E. Minches of St. Louis, Missouri is credited with inventing the ice cream cone. On July 23, 1904 at the World's Fair in St....

Different Colored Eyes Day

Different Colored Eyes Day Date When Celebrated :  July 12 Different Colored Eyes Day  has two reasons to celebrate.  First of all, it celebrates diversity of eye color. Wouldn't the world be boring, if everyone had the same color of eyes? Secondly, it recognizes an eye condition called Heterochromia. People who have this trait,  have two different colors of eyes. One eye may be brown, while the other is blue.  Famous people who have Heterochromia include David Bowie, Jane Seymour, and Christopher Walken. Your eyes are an important part of your appearance. They are also important in communications. When you look into your lover's eyes, you need to like what you see. Making "eye contact" just wouldn't be the same without different colored eye. Isn't it great that we have a variety of eye colors to set us apart from one another? Eye colors include: Shades of brown Shades of blue Shades of green Black Grey Hazel

Thoughts From My Rooftop! Help I need Plants!

It seems that I am having a hard time finding something that will stay alive on my rooftop.  I can't figure out if they are getting to much or not enough soon or if I'm not watering or feeding them enough.  Is there anyone out there that can help me find some plants that will last on my rooftop? Feel Free to comment and share with your friends! Feel Free to follow me @ Please follow me on Twitter Facebook and don't forget to follow here on for all my latest posts! Converstions With My Family Now on Amazon!

Eat Beans Day

Eat Beans Day Date When Celebrated :  July 3 Eat some beans today and toot about it, for today is  Eat Beans Day . Humans have been eating beans since they first began to walk upright on the planet. Beans are grown all over the world. Most people find beans to be very tasty. And that's a good thing, as beans are very good for you. Beans are healthy and nutritious. Sure, vegetables in general are healthy for you. Beans are among the healthiest. These legumes are a major source of protein and fiber. They contain many other minerals and vitamins, too. They have no fat, and are very low in cholesterol. Diabetics love the low carbs. About the only downside, is that beans can cause flatulence. It's easy to celebrate this very special day, simply eats beans, and lots of them. There are over 40,000 varieties of beans to choose from, and no shortage of recipes. Now, that's something to toot about! To celebrate this special day, include a bean recipe in your meal...

Freebies For Your Birthday

Have you ever googled "Free stuff for your birthday"? I did last year and I am a changed person.  So either go hit up google or keep reading,  And please if you know of something I haven't mentioned leave it in the comments so we can add it to someone lists and Happy Birthday!!! Feel Free to comment and share with your friends! Feel Free to follow me @ Please follow me on Twitter Facebook and don't forget to follow here on for all my latest posts! Converstions With My Family Now on Amazon!