Working Parents Day
Date When Celebrated : Always September 16th
Working Parents Day gives recognition to moms and dads who work hard to provide for their children. Every day dad, and often mom, go off to work. They work hard to earn money to make ends meet. They work hard to be able to afford the extras that kids want and need. This includes things like school trips, funding the proms, athletics, music, dance classes, clubs, and much, much more.
Today is a chance for the kids to show a little appreciation. We suggest doing the dishes, cleaning up, and overall doing extra chores around the house. If you are old enough, make dinner for the folks.
Important Note: This day speaks to "working parents" we believe that "stay at home moms" fit this classification. They just might work harder than anyone.
Origin of Working Parents Day:
We found no factual information about this special day. Most likely it originated from a child, or a group of children, who wanted to give some thanks and appreciation to their hard working parents.