Ex Spouse Day

Ex Spouse Day

Date When Celebrated : Always April 14 th
Ex Spouse Day is in recognition of your Ex. Someone must have been kidding when they created this day, right? Could anyone actually want to recognize their Ex? Most of us want to forget them. Hard as it may be to believe, Ex Spouse Day has indeed arrived. Once again, we will remind you that we do not create the days, we merely report them. So, please don't shoot the messenger.
All too often, relationships don't work out. Life provides us with many ex-girlfriends, and ex-boyfriends. There are many ex-wives and ex-husbands. Most likely, we would prefer to forget them.
With a little stretch of the imagination and an open eye, you may find a few "Ex's" out there who actually have good traits. There are even examples where some people get along better with their Ex after the relationship is over.  
If you value your Ex in any way, give him or her whatever appreciation and recognition you feel is appropriate today. If you can not find any redeeming trait, no one will fault you for skipping today's celebrations altogether.

Origin of "Ex Spouse Day":
Our research did not find the creator, or the origin of this day.

Flower of the Day: Spanish Flag
Recipe of the Day: Buttered Beets and Celery
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