National Cheeseball Day

National Cheeseball Day

Date When Celebrated : Always April 17
National Cheeseball Day is a day to stuff yourself with cheeseballs. But wait!!! What kind of cheeseball are we talking about? There's the light and airy, puffy cheeseball that you munch on for a snack by the dozens. There is also the cheeseball, often decorated with nuts, that sits on a party tray until spread on a cracker. Is this a celebration derived from the snack industry, or the dairy industry?  
When it comes to the cheeseball snack, we are certain that you can't eat just one. Not even a handful. Cheeseballs are addicting. Place a bowl of cheeseballs on the counter, and watch them disappear right before your eyes. Toddlers and young kids are Cheeseball hounds. So are teenagers and adults. In other words, everyone lives cheeseballs.
The cheeseballs of holiday trays is equally loved. Strangely, it is wildly popular around the holidays and hard to find other times of year.
Celebrate today with cheeseballs (both kinds). Serve them after dinner during your favorite Television show, or whenever its convenient. 

Origin of "National Cheeseball Day":
Our research did not find the creator, or the origin of this day. We continue to search for him or her. Until we find them, it remains a mystery which cheeseball this day is celebrating.

This is referred to as a "National" day. However, we did not find any congressional records or presidential proclamations for this day.
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