Houseplant Appreciation Day
Date When Celebrated : Event is always January 10
The holidays are over. The decorations have been put away for another year. The house looks a little plain, a little drab. In the greyishness of January, your eye catches something in the corner of the room. Why, it's a houseplant! Funny, but with all of the holiday hubabuloo, you've all but forgotten your houseplants.
Today is THE day to get back to tending to, and loving your houseplants. And, it's also a day to appreciate just how special and important they are. They are therapeutic, lifting your mood and outlook. They add warmth and a calming effect. If you are a gardener, they give you an opportunity to play in the dirt, until spring arrives in the far, distant future.
Growing houseplants is pretty easy. They need a little sunlight, water, occasional nutrients, and a little love..
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