Conversations With My Children

Can you get rid of your Va-ja-ja?

      Early this year I had quite the care and I ended up in the hospital.  After I was released I had to come home and explain to my children what happened, and what was going to come next.

Me: Well to make a long story short unless I have a surgery I’m going to ending up in a lot of pain all the time and very heavy bleeding each month.

Daughter: Well what kind of surgery is it? 

Me: It’s called a hysterectomy. Which basically means that I would no longer be able to have children.

Daughter: Well can they just take your Va ja ja out then?

Me: {black stare}

The Mister: {horrified look on his face}

Me: Why would they do that I like my Va ja ja.

Daughter: Well, I thought you wouldn’t need it anymore.

            After a while I decided the other part of this conversation would have to wait for later! 

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