Don't Fry Friday
Date When Celebrated: Friday before Memorial Day
Don't Fry Friday is a very important day for you and your skin. It occurs just as the Memorial holiday begins, and at the start of summer. At this time, sunshine is the most intense. People are seeking the sunshine and the great outdoors after a long winter. The purpose of today, is to educate people, and to make them aware of the dangers of overexposure to UVA and UVB rays. These UV rays come from the sun, and from popular tanning booths. They are the primary cause of skin cancer.
Very Important: Skin cancer is very treatable and curable, if caught early. Unfortunately, early detection does not always occur. If you have even the slightest suspicion, go get checked out by your doctor.... immediately.
A little sunshine is good for you. It provides important vitamin D, and sunshine brightens your mood. It's over exposure that damages your skin, and can result in skin cancer. There's a better way to get vitamin D, than from the sun. It is readily available as a vitamin supplement in pill form, usually along with Calcium.
Have a safe and happy summer. Follow the motto for skin cancer prevention: " Slip, Slop, Slap, and Wrap" This means slip on a shirt, slop on the suntan lotion (SPF 30 or higher), slap on a hat, and wrap on the sunglasses. Yes, UV rays can damage your eyes, too. In addition, it is recommended that people stay out of the sun during midday of summer, when these harmful UV rays are the most intence.
Did You Know? Over 3.5 million cases of skin non-melanomas are diagnosed each year. And, there are over 76,000 cases of skin melanoma a year, most of which are preventable. Source: American Cancer Society
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