Conversations with the Kids!

My gang and I have a group text going on and from time to time the conversation can definatly go into a strange direction and sometimes we just jump out into song!

Girl Child 2........HI mama

Girl child 1......... Hey
                             A boy said I was unique
                             I don't know what I'm supposed to do with that

Me.......................say thank you?

Girl Child 1.........I did I just didn't know what to do with that!

Me.......................nothing do you like him?

Girl Child 2.........Yep, but I ran away

Me.......................lmao how are you going to get a boyfriend

Girl Child 2.........She's not

Mister..................Who is the dang boy? What is his name? I'm coming up there!

Girl Child 1.........Your Breaking up (kkkkkkkkkk) I can't (kkkkkkkkkk) this

Me........................Best Text Ever!

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