Conversations With My Son: Book Club

Saturday while hanging around the house doing nothing but wasting time my son runs in the house all sweaty and out of breath wanting to tell me exciting news.

Son: Mama my friends and I are going to start a book club.

Me: Ok, Cool! What book are you reading?

Son: Well, I'm reading Pokemon.

Me: Well what's everybody else reading?

Son: What ever they can find at home.

Me: Well you are all suppose to read the same book then talk about it.

Son: Well we know but we don't have the same big and all our parents said we can't go to the library because we all have messed up books in the past.

Me: Yeah I know. Maybe we can just buy some book then.

Son:  NO! We can't ask our parents either.  Can you ask you people you blog with they don't count as our parents.

Me: Yeah but they are someone parents.

        So this is me asking for help for my sons and his friends new book club that doesn't at this time have a name. On a Side note I love that they at least want to read!

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