National Milkshake Day

National Chocolate Milkshake Day

Date When Celebrated : Always September 12 th
National Chocolate Milkshake Day is an opportunity for chocoholoics to savor and enjoy. The weather may have cooled off. But, our appetite for chocolate, specifically chocolate milk shakes, hasn't cooled off one iota.
Today is National Chocolate Milkshake. It's time to enjoy a cold, thick, frothy chocolate milk shake. Chocolate is the most popular milkshake flavor. For those of you who prefer other flavors, only a chocolate milkshake will do today.
Did You Know? Among the ingredients of the original milkshake was whiskey! It also included heavy cream. It took more than a century to evolve into the milkshake as we know it today.
To participate in this day is easy. You already know what to do. Make this day even more fun, by making the milkshake yourself.

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