National Honesty Day

National Honesty Day

Date When Celebrated : Always April 30 th

National Honesty Day encourages us to be honest today, and everyday. We honestly believe you try your best to be honest.
Honesty is a great virtue. If we want people to believe us when its important, then we need to be open and honest all of the time. We all know about the boy who cried wolf. When a wolf actually appeared, no one believed him.
Celebrate National Honesty Day in a completely open and honest way.
To be totally honest, there are few rules for this special day......just be honest.

Origin of "National Honesty Day":
M. Hirsh Goldberg, former press secretary to a governor of Maryland and author of five books, created National Honesty Day in the early 1990s after spending four years researching and writing The Book of Lies (Morrow). This book has been translated into Japanese, Korean and Chinese.
Goldberg created this day, because he felt that the month of April, which begins with a big day of lying (April Fools Day), should end on a higher moral note.
This is referred to as a "National" day. However, we did not find any congressional records or presidential proclamations for this day.

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