National Adoption Day

National Adoption Day

Date When Celebrated : Saturday before Thanksgiving

National Adoption Day is today.
This special day is promoted and sponsored by a variety of child care and adoption groups. According to the websites of these sponsors, this day was created to finalize thousands of annual adoptions, and to celebrate and give recognition to families that adopt children. It is also intended to raise awareness of the tens of thousands of children awaiting adoption.
Does the idea of being adoptive parents interest you? Thousands upon thousands of children are waiting impatiently for you to take the step, that will bring them the love and happiness of a permanent family surrounding.
We hope you use  National Adoption Day to take the first step in the adoption process.  

Origin of National Adoption Day:
National Adoption Day is sponsored and promoted by a variety of child care and child adoption agencies and organizations. We have not yet uncovered the creator of this day, and when it was first celebrated.
This day is described as a "National" day. We found no congressional records or presidential proclamation creating this day as a national day.
It wasn't until 2006 that this day was celebrated in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico.  Based on what we have discovered so far, this special day has not been celebrated for long. But, we do feel it is one of the more important special days in the entire calendar.

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