National Lost Penny Day

National Lost Penny Day

Date When Celebrated : Always February 12 th
Today is National Lost Penny Day!
Today you can make a few pennies, by seeking out lost pennies, of which there are probably quite a few in the nooks and crannies of your home. An individual penny may not have a lot of monetary value these days. However, finding a penny is a sign of good luck. Go on a hunt for lost pennies today, and pile up some good fortune.
The first U.S. penny was designed by Benjamin Franklin, and minted in 1787. Since then, billions of pennies have been minted and put into circulation. In 1909, the penny became the first coin to bear a president's image. It was first released on February 12, 1909, to commemorate Abraham Lincoln's 100th birthday.
Things to do on National Lost Penny Day:
  • Seek out lost pennies. Make a game of it. Be sure to include the kids in this scavenger hunt.
  • Flip a coin (a penny) to help you make decisions today.
  • Donate your pennies to a good cause.
  • Roll up and cash in your horde of pennies.
  • Start a penny collection.
  • Throw pennies in a fountain and make a wish.
  • Give someone a penny for their thoughts.
  • Take a few pennies and buy some penny candy.

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