
Showing posts from October, 2018

Thoughts From My Rooftop: My Teapot Broke!

About six months ago I had surgery and I was unable to go up and down the stairs.  Since my room was upstairs and so was my bed that's where I spent most of my time.  I wanted to be able to still do some simple things for myself so I purchased an electric teapot, This one to be exact!  Ovente Tea Pot . For the first few weeks it was perfect. Then I noticed small things like the black casing coming off in the boiling water.  Then a few months in the lid broke off then a short time after that the whole side pulled away from the bottom.  I was pissed because I really loved it.  So to save you time patience and frustration pick a better one than I did!  Do you have an electric teapot which one should I get this time! 

Make a Difference Day

Make a Difference Day Date When Celebrated :  The fourth Saturday in October Initiated in 1990, this is a national day is for devoted to helping others by doing volunteer work in the community. The activity can be almost anything. On this day, millions of Americans participate in community improvement projects. It takes the form of cleanup, fixup, painting, and repair in poorer neighborhoods, parks and municipal facilities. It doesn't matter what project you take on. It doesn't matter whether you help a non-profit organization, the community, your town, nursing home, a church, a food kitchen, or any other group in need. What matters is that you participate. Make a commitment to help others for just one day. Make a difference on  Make a Difference Day! Did You Know?  Each year on Make a Difference Day, ex-President Jimmie Carter gets out his hammer and saw, and helps to build or rebuild housing in underprivileged areas. There is not better example of peop...

World Pasta Day

World Pasta Day Date When Celebrated :  Always October 25 th World Pasta Day  is today. It should come as no surprise to discover that this special day promotes the consumption of pasta around the world. It seeks to increase awareness of the benefits of pasta. Each year on  World Pasta Day , events are held to help spread the world about pasta and it's nutritional value. The National Pasta Association and pasta manufacturers sponsor these events and activities. On  World Pasta Day , pile up your plate, with a big dish of pasta and your favorite sauce!   Origin of World Pasta Day: World Pasta Day  was established as an annual event  at the first World Pasta Congress held on October 25, 1995 in Rome, Italy. It is promoted by pasta manufacturers around the world. Feel Free to comment and share with your friends! Feel Free to follow me @ Please follow me on Twitter @elice...

Tv Talk Show Host Day

Tv Talk Show Host Day Date When Celebrated :  Always October 23 rd Tv Talk Show Host Day  celebrates and honors all Tv Talk Show hosts. This very special day is celebrated on the birth date of legendary night time talk show host Johnny Carson. Carson is considered the "King of late night Television". He hosted  The Tonight Show  from 1962 to 1992. His reign lasted a record 29 years, 7 months, 21 days. There were 1,859 episodes. While this day is celebrated on Johnny Carson's birth date, it is intended to show appreciation to all Television talk show hosts, daytime and nighttime. Celebrate today, by having a television talk show them all day and night. Have a happy  Tv Talk Show Host Day  !! Feel Free to comment and share with your friends! Feel Free to follow me @ Please follow me on Twitter @eli...

Sweetest Day

Sweetest Day Date When Celebrated:  Third Saturday in October Now here is a day dedicated just for your sweetie. It exists as an opportunity for you to recognize that sweet and special someone. It doesn’t matter who that person is, or what their relation to you. They just have to be "sweet" in order to get a little recognition. Herbert Birch Kingston, a Cleveland, Ohio philanthropist and candy company employee started Sweetest Day. He wanted to bring happiness to orphans, shut-ins and under-privileged. His intent was to show these people that they were not forgotten.  In 1922, he started this holiday by giving candy and small gifts. He often used movie stars to distribute the gifts. The popularity of this holiday quickly spread. Today,  it is celebrated with loved ones and friends. However, we encourage you to follow the intent of the original holiday, and find ways to give candy and small gifts to those in need. Feel Free to comment and share with your fr...

Evaluate Your Life Day

Date When Celebrated :  Always October 1 9th Evaluate Your Life Day  is a bit scary. It sounds just a little bit too serious for my liking. And, what if I evaluate my life, and find out that I don't like it???????? Well, for starters, you can then make positive changes. Evaluate Your Life Day  gives us the opportunity to pause and reflect upon our life, where it's been, and where its going. C'mon, be honest with yourself. Are things going well? What is bothering you? What do you need, or want, to change? How's your appearance? Are you gaining too much weight? With a self evaluation, you can then make big changes to improve the quality of your life, as necessary. Or, if things are going well, just tinker with small adjustments. We believe that   Evaluate Your Life Day  is the beginning of a happier and healthier you! Origin of Evaluate Your Life Day: Evaluate Your Life Day  was created by the good folks at Th...

Dictionary Day

Dictionary Day Date When celebrated :  Always October 16 th Dictionary Day  is in honor of Noah Webster, considered the Father of the American Dictionary. Noah Webster was born on October 16, 1758. The objective of this day is to emphasize the importance of dictionary skills, and seeks to improve vocabulary. Webster began to write his dictionary at the age of 43. It took him 27 years to finish it! In addition to traditional English vocabulary, it contained uniquely American words. Celebrate  Dictionary Day  by reading the "Good Book"......the Dictionary! We challenge you to learn some new words today. Feel Free to comment and share with your friends! Feel Free to follow me @ Please follow me on Twitter @eliceivy Facebook at and don't forget to follow here on for all my latest posts!

Thoughts From My Rooftop: Sunday Night Football

Are you a sports fan? Do you find yourself watching and screaming at the tv like by some stretch of the imagination they can hear you? You know it's like the yelling you do when your watching a lifetime movie.  This is where I found myself Sunday night while watching The Cleveland Browns play the Oakland Raiders. I was yelling, cussing, screaming and throwing pillows like I was watching the damn Superbowl. I mean I had to catch myself when I was just about to say the Hail Mary in my head and I'm not even Catholic.  Then It's like I was having flash backs from my old grade school. I mean seriously I was close to crossing myself. I'm not either a Cleveland or Oakland can but I was into this game like it was my son's out there playing. The whole game was back and forth i swear I needed a drink when the game went into Overtime. Are you kidding me i have to sit thru more of this angst! I had it. I needed to throw in the towel but I didn't I watched as the Br...

Emergency Nurses Day

Emergency Nurses Day Date When Celebrated :  Second Wednesday in October Emergency Nurses Day recognizes an important care giver. According to the Emergency Nurse's Association " Emergency Nurses Day  salutes the dedication and commitment of emergency nursing professionals, who bring care, comfort, and compassion to patients......."    Emergency room nurses see it all. And, often it "ain't good". Yet, they return to work, knowing they make a difference to sick, injured and sometimes dying people that enter the ER each and every day. Emergency Nurse's Day is held during Emergency Nurses Week. Emergency Nurse everywhere, we hope you enjoy this day. Feel Free to comment and share with your friends! Feel Free to follow me @ Please follow me on Twitter @eliceivy Facebook at and don't forget to fol...

National Boyfriend Day

National Boyfriend Day is a day that is commemorated on October 3rd every year and is an unofficial holiday in which women can spend the day showing their boyfriends the love and appreciation they desire. It is one half of the set of significant other holidays-the other one being Girlfriends Day-a day in which girlfriends are celebrated on August 1st. When is National Boyfriend Day? This year (2017) October 3  (Tuesday) Next year (2018) October 3  (Wednesday) Last year (2016) October 3  (Monday) History After doing extensive research, I can find no proof of this holiday being created or it being celebrated in any way whatsoever. As such, it may be an Internet myth but since it has been mentioned on several reputable websites, I think it’s safe to say it is one that is going to grow in popularity over time. Customs, Traditions and Celebrations Since little is known about this holiday or its origin, it’s really hard to pin down ways people might practice...

Freebies For Your Birthday

Have you ever googled "Free stuff for your birthday"? I did last year and I am a changed person.  So either go hit up google or keep reading,  And please if you know of something I haven't mentioned leave it in the comments so we can add it to someone lists and Happy Birthday!!! Feel Free to comment and share with your friends! Feel Free to follow me @ Please follow me on Twitter Facebook and don't forget to follow here on for all my latest posts! Converstions With My Family Now on Amazon!

It's October

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