National Frozen Food Day

National Frozen Food Day

When : Always March 6
National Frozen Food Day celebrates all those yummy foods and snacks in your freezer. Sure, the invention of the freezer made this day possible. But, the methods and techniques of  preparing and freezing foods is what makes frozen foods taste great, look great and store in a frozen state until you need them.
Imagine how your busy life would be if you didn't have a frozen dinner to pop into the microwave in between a late day at work and your evening event.  You'd have to stop and make a dinner from scratch!
Thanks to the frozen food industry, you can (and should ) celebrate Frozen Food Day in true frozen food manner:
  • Start your day with by popping a frozen breakfast into the microwave.
  • For lunch, select among a wide array of frozen lunch treats.
  • Take a trip to the grocery store to buy some frozen food, any will do.
  • Dinner: If you are in a hurry, you're in luck. The selection of dinner entrees is seemingly endless.
  • Snack time is the perfect time for cream!
Did you know? Frozen foods first hit store shelves in 1930 in Springfield, Ma. Who developed the process? ...... Clarence Birdseye.

Origin of "National Frozen Food Day":
Congress, by Senate Joint Resolution 193, designated March 6, 1984, as ``Frozen Food Day'' and authorized and requested the President to issue a proclamation upon this occasion.
In Proclamation #5157, President Ronald Reagan said: "Now, Therefore, I, Ronald Reagan, President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim March 6, 1984, as Frozen Food Day, and I call upon the American people to observe such day with appropriate ceremonies and activities." And, so this became a true National day of recognition and celebration.

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