Susan B Anthony Day

Susan B Anthony Day

Date When Celebrated : Always February 15

Today honors the birthday of Susan B. Anthony, one of the most important females in American history. Born on February 15, 1820, Susan B Anthony spent her life pushing women's right to vote and equal rights for women. She was arrested in 1872, for attempting to vote in the presidential elections. She helped bring about the 19th Amendment, giving women the right to vote.
For 40 years, Susan B. Anthony was a women's rights and civil rights activist and leader. As a child she moved to Rochester, NY with her family. Her family was active in the anti-slavery movement. From there, she became active in the fight for women's rights. Here home on 17 Madison Street in Rochester, NY. has become a National Historical site, and home to a museum about her and women's rights.

Susan B Anthony is the only woman to date, to have her picture on  a U.S.coin or paper currency. It is on the silver dollar.

Take a minute today to give recognition and appreciation to Susan B Anthony and all other women of that time, who fought so hard for women's rights.

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