Dare Day- a Challenging Day

Date When Celebrated : Always June 1
Dare Day is a day to challenge someone, and to do a dare yourself. It's a day that daredevils truely relish. Today is definitely a call to action. It is not a day for procrastinators or for hesitation.
Dares take all forms and shapes. The type of dare is almost limitless. Whether it is a prank, a challenge to accomplish something, or a personal action (like asking someone out on a date), this is the day to make the dare. And, its the day to do the dare. We do suggest that dares be safe, and of course, legal.......
Daring to the max: To dare someone to do something risky or challenging is one thing. Declaring the "double dog dare" heightens the challenge. The highest degree of challenge is to "triple dog dare" someone. It should not be used lightly, or frequently.
The most important DARE: We believe the most important dare is the D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) program.


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