Insurance Awareness Day

Date When Celebrated : Always June 28
Insurance Awareness Day has got to be one of your top holidays, right!? Now, at this point, one must be asking... Why Insurance Awareness Day? Good question.
Insurance, be it home, auto or life insurance, offers you peace of mind that if something happens, you will be financially protected. Of course when it comes to life insurance, if something happens, you won't be around to worry about the outcome.  
Insurance is a gamble. If you buy it, you're gambling that something will go wrong. If you don't buy it, you're gambling that something will not happen.
Were not sure what you should do to enjoy and appreciate this day. We are certain what the insurance companies would like you to do today........

The Origin of Insurance Awareness Day:
Our research did not find the creator, or the origin of this day. But, you can be certain that insurance companies had a little something to do with the origination of this day.

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