
Showing posts from November, 2015

Stay at Home Because You Are Well Day

Stay at Home Because You are Well Day When : Always November 30th Stay at Home Because You Are Well Day  is today. Do you feel okay? If'so, it is a good day to take off from work. According to , the creators of this special day, the objective is to call in "well" to your work. It's as simple as that. Caution:  We recommend you use extreme caution and good judgment. Following the concept of this day could get you a reprimand or cost you  your job. Participating in this day might not be the right thing for you to do.  Have a happy  Stay at Home Because You Are Well Day. Origin of Stay at Home Because You Are Well Day: Stay at Home Because You Are Well Day  is a copyrighted holiday. It was created and is provided, courtesy of the great folks at Information Courtesy of Feel Free to comment and share with your fri...

Black Friday

I like most people I know fell into liking and sharing things in the internet that I never checked into.  When I first saw the post about Black Friday stemming from slavery I didnt question it. I just shared it as fact. And like many others I was wrong.         The term “Black Friday” didn’t originate until nearly a century after the practice of slavery was abolished in the U.S.         For millions of people Black Friday is the time to do some serious Christmas shopping --even before the last of the Thanksgiving leftovers are gone! Black Black is the Friday after Thanksgiving, and it's one of the major shopping days of the year in the United States -falling anywhere between November 23 and 29. While it's not recognized as an official US holiday, many employees have the day off -except those working in retail. The term “Black Friday” was coined in the 1960s to mark the kickoff to the Christmas shopping season. “Black” refers t...

Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving History: The first Thanksgiving was celebrated between the Pilgrims and the Indians in 1621.That first feast was a three day affair. Life for the early settlers was difficult. The fall harvest was time for celebration.  It was also a time of prayer, thanking God for a good crop. The Pilgrims and the Indians created a huge feast including a wide variety of animals and fowl, as well as fruits and vegetables from the fall harvest. This early celebration was the start of today's holiday celebration. Like then, we celebrate with a huge feast. Today, most of us enjoy Turkey with "all the trimming". The "trimming" include a wide variety of foods that are a tradition for your family. Those traditional foods often replicate the foods at the first Thanksgiving feast. While others, are traditional ethnic or religious groups recipe, or a special food item that your family always serves at Thanksgiving dinner. Then, to top it off, pumpkin pies, apple...

Conversations With My Son: Lines

     While talking with my eleven year old he informs me that he hasn't had to use any lines in awhile and being the person that I am I walked right into the wrong conversation. Me: What lines? Son: Did it hurt? Me: Did what hurt? Son: When you fell from heaven? Me: Where did you even get that from? Son: Are you are star? Me: What? Son: Because you sparkle like one. Me: ...and this works for you? Son: Yep! The girls just love me. I think he is going to go down as the only person in history that ever worked for. But I think its just his dimples! Feel Free to comment and share with your friends! Please follow me on Twitter @eliceivy Facebook at and don't forget to follow here on for all my latest posts!

World Kindness Day!

World Kindness Day November 13, 2015 in the World   The World Kindness Day is on November 13, 2015. It is a day that encourages individuals to overlook boundaries, race and religion. According to modern psychology, altruistic acts increases our own happiness in a profound way. The World Kindness Day was introduced in 1998 by the World Kindness Movement. It is observed in many countries, including Canada, Japan, Australia, Nigeria and United Arab Emirates.  Kindness is the act or the state of being kind - ie. marked by goodness and charitable behaviour, mild disposition, pleasantness, tenderness and concern for others. It is known as a virtue, and recognized as a value in many cultures and religions. (With material from: Wikipedia) Where is World Kindness Day? Worldwide World This text has been taken from Feel Free to comment and share with your friends! Please follow me on Twitter @eliceivy Facebook at and don't forget to...

National Young Readers Day

National Young Readers Day When : Second Tuesday of November Young Readers Day  is today. Reading opens up a lifetime of knowledge, information, success, and happiness. According to the creators of this day, it is "... a special day to recognize the joys and benefits of reading." Grade schools around the country take advantage of this day, to promote the importance of reading. Use today to help and encourage our youth to learn to read, and open the door to knowledge, information, success, and happiness. Happy  Young Readers Day  to readers young, and not so young. Origin of Young Readers Day: Young Readers Day  was co-founded in 1989 by Pizza Hut and the Center for the Book in the Library of Congress. While this is referred to by some as a "National" day, we did not find any presidential proclamation or act of congress. Feel Free to comment and share with your friends! Please follow me on Twitter @eliceivy Facebook at

Conversations with My kids: Don't drink my Juice!

Most people that have more than one child have heard the same argument I hear. Why did you drink/eat/use my stuff? Its an ongoing never ending cycle. One day my oldest daughter decided to beat them at their own game. Daughter 2: Mama do you know what she did? Me: No. Daughter 1: I put me some juice in two bottles and put my name on them and told them not to drink because it was mine. Me: OK Daughter 2: She put soap in the juice. Me: How do you know that? Son: (On the floor laughing is behind off) She drunk it. Me: Did you? Daughter 2: No, I saw the bubbles. Daughter 1: I told them to stop drinking my stuff. So now of course I'm supposed to have something wise to say right. So in my Cecil voice I say at least it wasn't Shug Avery Pee in your  water. I'M SO GLAD I HAVE A SEPARATE REFRIGERATOR! Feel Free to comment and share with your friends! Please follow me on Twitter @eliceivy Facebook at and do...

Sunday Conversations With my Grandma: My Funeral

     As I was talking with my grandma she was telling me about a funeral she had gone to. She was so upset about how long it lasted she decided she was going to plan her own. Grandma: It was just ridiculous all that stuff people huaping and hollering all over that poor woman. Did they tell her all that stuff when she was living. Me: I think some of them did. Grandma: Well I don't care. I don't want yall doing all that at my funeral and it's going to be by invitation only! Me: ....okay and how is that going to work? Grandma: I'm going to pass them out now and then if anyone walks in that's not supposed to be there I'm going to sit up in my coffin and tell them to leave.  Me: What? Why? Grandma: And I'm gone do it to anyone crying over me who didn't treat me right while I was alive. Me: ....okay. Grandma: And I have a list of people who can talk at my funeral too but not to long. Don't worry you made it.      All I'm thinking t...