2020 is trash!

I know I'm not the only one feeling that way tonight! How much more can we take? It's official it just sucks! When will it end already? And no I'm not talking about the year it's the sadness, the loss, the depression. I know people die. That's just a part of life but this damn year has me standing here doing my best Florida Evan's impersonation screaming "Damn, Damn, Damn" as I break my best bowl! Kobe's death knocked me on my ass! I cried every time somebody said his name. Then I felt bad because it's not like I knew him right. Then family members and close family friends. Then we have that bitch Rona. Listening to the stories and the suffering and people dying alone. Is this a test God cause I can tell you now I'm definitely not coming out of this one okay. Then today Chadwick Boseman and no I didn't know him either but I feel it. Somebody else gone way to soon. Then we have the police, the killings, watching people that look like ...