National Peanut Day

Date When Celebrated : September 13 th
National Peanut Day is the peanuttiest of days. Native to South America, the locals there couldn't keep this great nut to themselves. Actually, peanuts are not nuts. They are "legumes", like peas, beans, and lentils.
Peanuts are one of America's favorite snack foods. And, its more than a snack food. Peanuts are the main ingredient in peanut butter. Peanuts star in a variety of recipes, and is a topping for countless foods and desserts. Many Chinese recipes use peanuts in main menu items.   
Peanuts once took the rap as a not so healthy food. More recent research suggests that peanuts can reduce cardiovascular disease and lowers triglycerides in the body. Peanuts are high in protein and fiber, and are now believed to help curb hunger, and therefore help in diet control.
Celebrate National Peanut Day by eating peanuts wherever and whenever during the day that you can. Eating peanut butter counts, too. Want to try something different (and peanutty, of course) ? Make your own Homemade Peanut Butter today.

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