Elice's Free Finds on Amazon

Elice's Free Finds on Amazon Riding for a Liar Kindle Edition Art is an ex-con turned business man with a wife who adores him. He still dabbles in life in the streets and has his down ass chick who helps to run his crew so that he can keep his nose clean. Life seems to be doing well, until it isn't. When Art and his adoring wife are put in a position that requires one of them to take the rap for something that neither of them saw coming, will their marriage survive? Erin grew up the daughter of a drug boss. She watched her mother hold her father down through everything. So, meeting and marrying a drug lord of her own wasn't a stretch. Taught by her mother to ride for her husband at all cost and despite his missteps with other women, she takes a case for her husband so that he doesn't have to go back to prison, expecting a slap on the wrist. When she learns that she has to do real time, will she continue to hold her husband down knowing what she does, or will she fold?...