
Showing posts from October, 2019

Make a Difference Day

Make a Difference Day Date When Celebrated :  The fourth Saturday in October Initiated in 1990, this is a national day is for devoted to helping others by doing volunteer work in the community. The activity can be almost anything. On this day, millions of Americans participate in community improvement projects. It takes the form of cleanup, fixup, painting, and repair in poorer neighborhoods, parks and municipal facilities. It doesn't matter what project you take on. It doesn't matter whether you help a non-profit organization, the community, your town, nursing home, a church, a food kitchen, or any other group in need. What matters is that you participate. Make a commitment to help others for just one day. Make a difference on  Make a Difference Day! Did You Know?  Each year on Make a Difference Day, ex-President Jimmie Carter gets out his hammer and saw, and helps to build or rebuild housing in underprivileged areas. There is not better example of peopl...

World Pasta Day

World Pasta Day Date When Celebrated :  Always October 25 th World Pasta Day  is today. It should come as no surprise to discover that this special day promotes the consumption of pasta around the world. It seeks to increase awareness of the benefits of pasta. Each year on  World Pasta Day , events are held to help spread the world about pasta and it's nutritional value. The National Pasta Association and pasta manufacturers sponsor these events and activities. On  World Pasta Day , pile up your plate, with a big dish of pasta and your favorite sauce!   Origin of World Pasta Day: World Pasta Day  was established as an annual event  at the first World Pasta Congress held on October 25, 1995 in Rome, Italy. It is promoted by pasta manufacturers around the world. Feel Free to comment and share with your friends! Feel Free to follow me @ Please follow me on Twitter @elice...

Tv Talk Show Host Day

Tv Talk Show Host Day Date When Celebrated :  Always October 23 rd Tv Talk Show Host Day  celebrates and honors all Tv Talk Show hosts. This very special day is celebrated on the birth date of legendary night time talk show host Johnny Carson. Carson is considered the "King of late night Television". He hosted  The Tonight Show  from 1962 to 1992. His reign lasted a record 29 years, 7 months, 21 days. There were 1,859 episodes. While this day is celebrated on Johnny Carson's birth date, it is intended to show appreciation to all Television talk show hosts, daytime and nighttime. Celebrate today, by having a television talk show them all day and night. Have a happy  Tv Talk Show Host Day  !! Feel Free to comment and share with your friends! Feel Free to follow me @ Please follow me on Twitter @eli...

America Recycles Day

America Recycles Day Date When Celebrated :  Always November 15 America Recycles Day  encourages us to recycle, and use products made from recycled material. Recycling is not difficult. It sends less material to the waste stream ,and it results in consuming less of our precious and limited natural resources. According to the National Recycling Coalition,  America Recycles Day  "is dedicated to encouraging Americans to recycle and to buy recycled products". Use this special day to create awareness of the importance of recycling, and to increase recycling. The world will thank you for it. Even if you practice recycling today, there is probably more you can do. We encourage you to look around at home, at work, or in school, to identify ways your can practice recycling. Take an active role in encouraging others to recycle, too. The Boy Scouts of America has the right slogan for this topic: "Reduce, Re-use, and Recycle" Did You Know? ...

Esty store!

Are you into Arts and Crafts or do you like homemade products? Do you use Esty and know someone who does?  Check out AbcdeTreasures on Esty when you get the chance. It's brand new and adding products every week!  Let me know what you think! These are just a few of the listings so far!  Feel Free to comment and share it with your friends! Feel Free to follow me @ Please follow me on Twitter Facebook and don't forget to follow here on for all my latest posts!