
Showing posts from December, 2017


        Of course as soon as wrote the title the song popped in my head and I immediately flash to the opening scene of I'm Robot.  Who doesn't love a wet Will Smith.  Any way I digress!  Do you and your family have superstitous especially for the New Year?  I remember growing up with so many and I still carry them with me to this day.            Don't sweep anyone feet or they will go to jail, Don't buy your spouse a watch because time will run out.  Don't buy shoes or they will run away.  Don't walk under ladders.  Don't break the mirror or you will have seven years bad luck.  There were just so many.  Are there any superstitions that you grow up with? I found this article that I thought you might be interested in to help bring in the New Year. ...

Winter Solstice

Winter Solstice marks the beginning of winter and is the shortest day of the year. On this day, it seems as if the nighttime darkness lasts all day and all night. At the North Pole, the sun never rises on this day. It is not the coldest days of winter, as the northern hemisphere continues to lose more heat than it gains. This will continue until late in winter, as the longer daylight hours at that point begin to have a net warming affect. But for now, heat up a cup of hot chocolate and put another log on the fire! Winter will be here for a while. By the way, while the northern hemisphere is experiencing it's shortest day, the southern hemisphere is basking in sunshine and enjoying the first day of summer. For thousands of years, Winter Solstice  has celebrated the new solar year. It celebrates the return of the sun, as every day now will see more sun. The sun is at it's southernmost point, and now begins it's long, six month journey north. Winter Solstice is also bee...

Freebies for you Birthday!

So with my birthday fast approaching I wondered were I could go to get free stuff.  I found all these cools lists and thought I should share with the masses! Enjoy. What are some free places you go to on your birthday? Feel Free to comment and share with your friends! Feel Free to follow me @ Please follow me on Twitter @eliceivy Facebook at and don't forget to follow here on for all my latest posts! Feel Free to comment and share with your friends! Feel Free to follow me @ Please follow me on Twitter @eliceivy Facebook at and don't forget to follow here on for all my latest posts!