Daylight Savings
Clocks Back or Forward? “Spring forward, fall back” is one of the little sayings to help remember which way to set your watch. You set your clock forward in the spring when DST starts (= lose one hour), and back one hour when DST ends in the fall (= regain one hour). Daylight Savings or Saving? Northern Hemisphere USA, Central America, Canada, Europe, Asia, northern Africa Many countries in the Northern Hemisphere (north of the Equator) use DST in the summer time , but not all. Daylight Saving Time usually starts in March-April and ends in September-November when the countries return to standard time . Where Will DST Start or End Next? Southern Hemisphere Australia, New Zealand, South America, southern Africa In the Southern Hemisphere (south of the equator) the participating countries usually start the DST-period in September-November and end DST in March-April. 100th Anniversary in April 2016 Even though Germany is commonly known as ...